Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Create a positive attitude

It is terrible to start the day and feel like you are carrying the Titanic over your shoulders. What's more, it is devastating to be possessed by a demonic sensation of tiredness, irritability, and hopelessness; a hybrid of PMS, menopause, ED, and prostate problems. To rid yourself of such annoyances, as soon as you start the day try to create a positive attitude with the Velten procedure, as suggested in a recent online article in Psychology Today. It will only take you a few minutes, but will possibly save you hours of misery and pain.

 THE VELTEN PROCEDURE by Theodore Velten

INSTRUCTIONS: Read each of the following statements to yourself. As you look at each statement, focus your observation only on that one. You should not spend too much time on any one. Your success at coming to experience this mood will largely depend on your willingness to accept and respond to the idea in each statement and to allow each statement to act upon you. Attempt to respond to the feeling suggested by each statement. Then try to think of yourself as definitely being and moving into that state. If it is natural for you to do so, try to visualize a scene in which you have had such a feeling. It should take about 10 minutes.

Velten Mood Induction Statements:

1. Today is neither better nor worse than any other day.

2. I do feel pretty good today, though.

3. I feel light-hearted.

4. This might turn out to have been one of my good days.

5. If your attitude is good, then things are good and my attitude is good.

6. I feel cheerful and lively.

7. I've certainly got energy and self-confidence to share.

8. On the whole, I have very little difficulty in thinking clearly.

9. My friends and family are pretty proud of me most of the time.

10. I'm in a good position to make a success of things.

11. For the rest of the day, I bet things will go really well.

12. I'm pleased that most people are so friendly to me.

13. My judgments about most things are sound.

14. The more I get into things the easier they become for me.

15. I'm full of energy and ambition—I feel like I could go a long time without sleep.

16. This is one of those days when I can get things done with practically no effort at all.

17. My judgment is keen and precise today. Just let someone try to put something over me.

18. When I want to, I can make friends extremely easily.

19. If I set my mind to it, I can make things turn out fine.

20. I feel enthusiastic and confident now.

21. There should be opportunity for a lot of good times coming along.

22. My favorite songs keep going through my mind.

23. Some of my friends are so lively and optimistic.

24. I feel talkative—I feel like talking to almost anybody.

25. I'm full of energy, and am really getting to like the things I'm doing.

26. I feel like bursting with laughter—I wish somebody would tell a joke and give me an excuse.

27. I feel an exhilarating animation in all I do.

28. My memory is in rare form today.

29. I'm able to do things accurately and efficiently.

30. I know good and well that I can achieve the goals I set.

31. Now that it occurs to me, most of the things that have depressed me wouldn't have if I'd just had the right attitude.

32. I have a sense of power and vigor.

33. I feel so vivacious and efficient today—sitting on top of the world.

34. It would really take something to stop me now.

35. In the long run, it's obvious that things have gotten better and better during my life.

36. I know in the future I won't over-emphasize so-called "problems."

37. I'm optimistic that I can get along very well with most of the people I meet.

38. I'm too absorbed in things to have time for worry.

39. I'm feeling amazingly good today.

40. I am particularly inventive and resourceful in this mood.

41. I feel superb! I think I can work to the best of my ability.

42. Things look good. Things look great!

43. I feel that many of my friendships will stick with me in the future.

44. I feel highly perceptive and refreshed.

45. I can find the good in almost everything.

46. In a buoyant mood like this one, I can work fast and do it right the first time.

47. I can concentrate hard on anything I do.

48. My thinking is clear and rapid.

49. Life is so much fun; it seems to offer so many sources of fulfillment.

50. Things will be better and better today.

51. I can make decisions rapidly and correctly; and I can defend them against criticisms easily.

52. I feel industrious as heck—I want something to do!

53. Life is firmly in my control.

54. I wish somebody would play some good loud music!

55. This is great—I really do feel good. I am elated about things!

56. I'm really feeling sharp now.

57. This is just one of those days when I'm ready to go!

58. Wow, I feel great!

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